Friday, June 30, 2023

Let the Celebration Begin

If there is one thing I believe in it's persistence and determination. After not giving up and studying for my MO-300 I can proudly announce I've passed it! I believed in myself and analyzed the questions as quickly and efficiently as possible. Now it's time to celebrate this achievement.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Goal Achieved

Today I took the MO-100 exam and with some practice and better time management skills I passed the exam. I'm happy I passed the exam the practicing did play a big role and helped me achieve my goal. Thank you for the tips on taking exams it was very helpful.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Preparing for MO-100

Now that the festivities are over such as EDC and my little kid's 5th birthday I have gotten back to preparing for my Word exam. I do feel very nervous about taking the exam. I aim to study every day after work until I no longer feel intimidated. MO-100 here I come!

Friday, May 26, 2023

EDC Experience

EDC was interesting, to say the least, although it was a three-day festival I only attended two nights. On my first day my family and I arrived at six in the afternoon to make it in time for the opening ceremony let's just say the sun was torturous. That first night we attended for twelve hours, my feet were crying in pain, but the fireworks and attractions made it worth it. Now the second night was worse on my feet I'm not used to walking for long periods of time but all together I walked twenty miles in two days. The worst part of EDC was that my car keys and bag were stolen from my cousin's car which ultimately upset me deeply I'm not planning on attending EDC next year.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


I'm preparing for EDC weekend, it should be a blast. As I get ready to begin the festivities under the beautiful lights and fireworks. I'm going to make sure to study for my MO-100 exam before the weekend starts. It's going to be a great weekend and well I'll try to find a decent sleeping area if needs be.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Pushing Forward

Due to an unforeseen event that occurred to me early this semester, I fell slightly behind on my classwork. Still, I'm motivated to complete the remaining LabSim and finally, take MO-100. Doing schoolwork while my classmates move on and enjoy their much-deserved summer break while I catch up. I'm fortunate to have the option to give myself a chance to finish the class and I can't wait to be done.

Sunday, May 7, 2023


I tend to take too long when reading questions on tests. It's my nerves or the stress that I feel while reading through questions it could be a combination of both. I'm preparing to take two more exams before the semester ends and I'm doubtful about my capability to succeed. My nerves are off the roof and I'm in need of some test-taking tips. I want to do better but my problem is that I get nervous and tend to read the questions slowly which causes me to miss questions on timed exams. I would appreciate any advice that may be helpful for nerves.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

What is SmartArt

The concept of SmartArt is new to me I've hardly had any use of having to dive into PowerPoint with the exception of class presentations in which I kept my slides pretty basic. Now with the additional knowledge I've gained from LabSim I feel more confident in my work.

Now what is SmartArt and when would it be beneficial for us to implement it on our PowerPoint slides. SmartArt allows us to communicate our text into graphics which will definitely catch our viewers' attention, rather than just using plain text. Within SmartArt you will find a set of different templates to choose it all depends on our personal liking. SmartArt also has the benefits of organizing our work in a more easily way to get our information across to our audience. The perk of SmartArt is that its easily adjustable if we decide to change our style later, how neat!

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Finish Line

Wow, we are almost at the finish line of IS 101. It has been a journey learning and getting to know each other. I would have to say that the most interesting part of this course has been getting to know everyone by our blog posts. All the interesting content I've read has been very enjoyable. At first, I wasn't quite sure why we had to create a blog but now I'm glad we did! Blogger has really been interesting and an unexpected part of the class. I look forward to creating an anonymous blog for myself after the class is over.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Catching Up

Preparing for MO-200 was a bit difficult for me I had a lot of catching up to do. I had to prepare very quickly for the exam causing some late-night studying. Although preparing for my MO-200 exam was challenging I manage and got busy learning. Excel is actually something new to me but after studying and preparing, I've gained some new skills.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

How do add and average functions benefit us?

The add and average functions are extremely useful and handy to know about. The sum function allows us to calculate a total in a matter of a few clicks. The sum function is used when adding certain cells in order to receive the totals, this may be all available numbers or partial cells in Excel. The sum function may be found in the home tab under the editing group. The average function allows you to find the medium of a sum quickly without having to use the calculator. I've personally have benefited from this function at work and have been very useful. Does anyone find these functions useful as well?

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Taking Advantage

What's Document Views? Well, there are many advantages to using different viewing options in Microsoft Office. For example, Word View only displays heading and subheadings in order for an easier flow when putting ideas together. Some of the different viewing options on Word are Read Mode, Web Layout, Draft, Outline View, Zoom View which allows you to increase the zooming option up to 500%, and the split command which allows you to see things easier you may always remove the split. On the other hand, PowerPoint has different viewing options such as Slide Sorter, Handout Master and Notes Master. Let's take advantage of these tools provided to us, it can make a huge difference when creating a paper or presentation.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Staying Positive

I have yet to take the MO-100 due to some unfortunate events surrounding my life recently, but I can't wait to be able to complete the exam for MO-100 and hopefully pass! I know we can all accomplish this milestone for this course in IS101. All it takes is determination to pass not only the class but the certification exams. Life may throw curve balls at us but I'm highly optimistic that we will all succeed and with that being said we will also pass the next two exams!

Saturday, March 4, 2023

What's a clipboard?

The clipboard on Microsoft is a tool used to copy a text without any typing being involved, sounds convenient right? The clipboard comes in handy when moving a selected text from one location to another. In the clipboard we may use copy and paste and also, cut and paste. The undo and redo can help when learning how to get familiarized with the features by allowing you to undo mistakes and correcting them appropriately.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

File Storage Options

Storing files in our computers are important when it comes to saving any information on our computers. There are three common storage devices available to us, my personal favorite is the flash drive but I'm familiar with this storage style. The other two are a hard disk drive and optical drive. A hard disk drive is a long-term storage drive which in fact is the most commonly used and comes installed in your computer. The perks of a hard disk drive are the amount of information it can hold, it's affordable, and its fast. Last but not least is the optical drive which uses microscopic light and dark spots to store data. The information may be stored on a CD-ROM, DVD, and Blue-ray. What's your preferred file storage?

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Fraud or Not

No one wants to become a victim of identity fraud we all work very hard to make our incomes to provide not only for ourselves but many of us provide for our families. Thankfully encryption has our backs when we can't always watch it. Encryption protects our information by making it our information unreadable to potential threats. Authentication protects us by giving us extra security when accessing an account. For example, when I log in to my Target credit card account it asks me for additional proof of my identity by giving me the option to either email or text me a code to verify it's me. 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Ecommerce safeguards

Ecommerce safeguards are efficient site securities that protect us while buying/selling products online. Ecommerce safeguards may also protect internet users from fraud. A academic source from Google Scholar was easy to read with a lot of sources, notes and references. My non-academic primary was an article which provided pictures, text, and citations. A non-academic secondary was a blog which I found easy to read, this source is the least credible with the fewest citations. This source doesn't look safe it has a lot of popups and links attachments.

Monday, January 23, 2023

New Beginning

From the first class meeting I realized that I have so much to learn from this course. I'm thrilled to be a part of IS 101 class with Professor Wu. I look forward in getting to know my instructor and classmates. I'm moderately knowledgeable in Microsoft Office but I know the class will teach me new skills which will greatly benefit my career.

I've never had a blog before I'm excited to get to read my classmates blog posts. This blog page is a creative way to express yourself in many different topics. The blog page does remind me a little bit of MySpace.