Sunday, May 7, 2023


I tend to take too long when reading questions on tests. It's my nerves or the stress that I feel while reading through questions it could be a combination of both. I'm preparing to take two more exams before the semester ends and I'm doubtful about my capability to succeed. My nerves are off the roof and I'm in need of some test-taking tips. I want to do better but my problem is that I get nervous and tend to read the questions slowly which causes me to miss questions on timed exams. I would appreciate any advice that may be helpful for nerves.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I know how you feel in terms of nerves and taking a long time to read the question(s). Not sure if I have any good advice for you, but what helps me is right before I take the test I breathe intentionally. I try to quite my mind and my body. I also try to answer the questions I know and come back to the ones I know will trip me up and will want to focus on.

  3. Practice, practice, and practice :-)

    Practice not just the how to do a task but practice thinking about how you would ask someone else to carry out that task!

    Practice also leads to familiarity and mastery, which will help calm your nerves during the exam :-)

  4. I try to read the question aloud for myself if I don't understand it the first time, sometimes we jumble things up in our heads!

  5. Here is a YouTube video on "5 Strategies for Conquering your Test Anxiety" -

  6. I felt your nervousness. The only solution to read the questions slowly is reading more. I practiced everyday for my speaking contest so that I could present fluently as a ESL student.

  7. When you first get the exam, do a “memory dump” of information you’re afraid you’ll forget on the back of it or on a piece of paper if it's digital and at specific points during the exam, take 30-second “mini-breaks” to use a relaxation strategy such as closing your eyes, relaxing your hands, and breathing deeply. Finally, to gain confidence, begin with questions you already know rather than focusing on those you don’t.

  8. I, too, understand how nerve-wracking exams can be, and it's great that you're seeking advice to improve your test-taking skills. One helpful tip that is often practiced are mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or visualization, to calm your nerves before and during the exam. However, I feel that the anxiety/stress that arises from exams and standardized testing is one of those things that never really go away, until your done taking them completely.
