Saturday, January 28, 2023

Ecommerce safeguards

Ecommerce safeguards are efficient site securities that protect us while buying/selling products online. Ecommerce safeguards may also protect internet users from fraud. A academic source from Google Scholar was easy to read with a lot of sources, notes and references. My non-academic primary was an article which provided pictures, text, and citations. A non-academic secondary was a blog which I found easy to read, this source is the least credible with the fewest citations. This source doesn't look safe it has a lot of popups and links attachments.


  1. "Are you aware that cybercriminals target mostly eCommerce businesses?" I've seen these phrase in all the articles I've been reading about security measures. I personally have experience credit card fraud due to online transactions. I do hope that businesses put better safeguards to protect us.

  2. eCommerce = money = potential for fraud = need for safeguards.

    Glad you found the academic source from Google Scholar easy to read :-)

    You have satisfied 1.5.7 Activity: Identify Sources ^_^

  3. It is increasingly becoming more difficult not to shop online these days. It is somewhat comforting to know that with the increase of online purchasing, the powers that be are trying to make it more secure for all to do so.

  4. I have definitely been pleased with buyer protection that has developed over the last few years! It certainly eases the mind.

  5. Hi, Kimberly! I had no idea of the importance of ecommerce safeguards and its crucial aspect of online transactions, ensuring the protection of personal and financial information.

  6. The bank must spent a lot of money on improving ecommerce safeguards to protect us from fraud.

  7. Hello Kimberly, I believe Ecommerce safeguards are similar to cybersecurity as they both focus on keeping our online information safe from ay fraudulent and suspicious sources.You listed notable comparison between the scholarly, primary and secondary sources, according to your description secondary sources are the least credible sources as we can imagine they might not be true since they contain evidence that is not first hand and anyone composing the article can add and remove any information as they see fit.

  8. E-commerce will remain vulnerable as long as some online merchants maintain a "it can't happen to me" attitude and disregard or treat the handling of customer information and transaction information casually. Without adequate self-enforcement measures in place, credit card associations and governments around the world will mandate and impose regulations that may be a worse solution than the initial problem.

  9. Especially in todays world, E-commerce safeguards are needed. People get taken advantage of everyday and need to learn what to look for in a legit buyer.

  10. I think ecommerce safeguards protect us as much as those plastic boards that separate us from the cashiers at some stores from covid. They're still touching our groceries... With all the frauds that have been going on, especially on events like cyber monday, it's understandably why most people prefer to just go the good ol' fashion purchasing with cash.

  11. Hi Kimberly? Did you see my blog about how i was saved of not giving my information in a phoney website? It is so hard to know what kind of website is legit or not.

  12. I am so thankful for how easy it is now buying things online and not having to worry. My mom refused to buy anything online because she didnt want to have her card Information anywhere but showing her how safe it is now she has a amazon box at our door every other day
