Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Staying Positive

I have yet to take the MO-100 due to some unfortunate events surrounding my life recently, but I can't wait to be able to complete the exam for MO-100 and hopefully pass! I know we can all accomplish this milestone for this course in IS101. All it takes is determination to pass not only the class but the certification exams. Life may throw curve balls at us but I'm highly optimistic that we will all succeed and with that being said we will also pass the next two exams!


  1. Two very powerful words: "Staying Positive"!

    Your highly optimistic spirit > life's curve balls :-)

    You will succeed in meeting MO-100 and everything else in IS101-3003, Spring 2023 ^_^

  2. "Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to." - Henry vanDyke

  3. How one handles curve balls is important in this life. I am sure with the outlook you have towards the MOS you will do just fine.

  4. I wish you the best of luck, Kimberly! Despite what your going through, it will get better. :)

  5. Totally understand Kimberly! But you got it. We are cheering for you.

  6. Wish you all the best, the only thing unchanged in the world is changing...

  7. I hope you were able to take the MOS-100!!!

  8. Stay strong you'll do great! Life is rough sometimes but you'll come out on top!

  9. I took the MOS-100. It was very similar to the practice exams we had earlier. If you keep doing the practice exams and you do good on those, you'll do good on the MOS-100.
