Sunday, April 30, 2023

Finish Line

Wow, we are almost at the finish line of IS 101. It has been a journey learning and getting to know each other. I would have to say that the most interesting part of this course has been getting to know everyone by our blog posts. All the interesting content I've read has been very enjoyable. At first, I wasn't quite sure why we had to create a blog but now I'm glad we did! Blogger has really been interesting and an unexpected part of the class. I look forward to creating an anonymous blog for myself after the class is over.


  1. Yes, we are approaching the finish line :-)

    A common sentiment about A2 Blog but first time for me to hear someone will create an anonymous blog for oneself after the class is over ^_^

    You will finish IS101-3003, Spring 2023 strong!

  2. I had a good time posting on our blog and it was nice to see other people instead of just staring at the computer all day. It felt like a break from the routine.

  3. I wish I could say the same. I am still not convicted about blogging and leaving behind more digital footprints than I already have. However, there have been some thought provoking thoughts on some of the blogs which I have had discussions outside of class which was unexpected.

  4. It's great to hear that you enjoyed the experience of creating a blog and reading others' posts in our class! Although "blogging" hasn't been my favorite concept, creating an anonymous blog after the class is a great way to continue to develop your writing and self-expression skills, and I wish you all the best with that! :D

  5. I am glad to see your posts too! !

  6. Getting to know the class through the blogs was certainly fantastic!

  7. It's been a harsh time for me but overall, the class was fun and engaging. I'll probably post on my blog every year or so after class is over.

  8. Yeah!!! Anonymous blog! Absolutely love the idea, and I completely agree with you on the journey part of learning about each other. It truly has been a pleasure since we don't have the luxury to learn about each other like we did when we were in High School.
